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We are a more than a decade old exporters / importers/ distributors of food and beverage brands across Africa, the Indian Ocean Islands, and Southeast Asia. Our extensive portfolio encompasses a wide variety of products, including biscuits, fruit juices, fruit drinks, energy drinks, canned foods, carbonated beverages, pasta, snacks and cakes, all sourced from renowned manufacturers around the globe.

Besides marketing and promoting sourced brands, we have our own successful in-house brands under the name Oddington and Happy Boyy. Oddington offers a delectable range of biscuits and bakery products, while Happy Boyy provides a comprehensive selection of condiments and canned foods, including tomato ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, rose water, canned sardines, tuna, and mackerel.

Currently, we have a strong customer base in several countries. We are actively seeking new partnerships to expand our reach and introduce our exceptional products to an even wider international market. We invite you to join us in our mission to deliver high-quality food and beverage experiences to consumers across the globe.